Tuesday, January 20, 2009

HALLELUJAH , (shrek song)


Espen Lind(on guitar), Askil Holm, Alejandro Fuentes, Kurt Nilsen(World Idol)
4 norwegian great singers.
For more info. visit:

Eric Clapton - River Of Tears (Live) (Video Version)


Nature - Goose Update

Picture this.  Cool windy morning.  Blue, blue, cloudless sky.  I hear geese calling.  Directly above me there are two flocks of geese.  One flying very high...just little specs in perfect form heading due south.  The other flock flies a little lower.....just where the sun is coming up.  Their white feathers catch the morning sun.  Beautiful, glittering white and gold.  It's like the perfect decoration in God's world.   They seem to be a little out of  sinc...I guess they are switching places.  In a matter of moments a new perfect "V" is formed.  Did you know that when the leader gets tired, they rotate?  I wish I was a goose. 


I walked outside to let the dogs out for the night.  After a rainy Sunday the air was cool and damp and a foggy mist made everything seem sureal.  As I stood there in the quiet I heard them.  Geese, flying low in the fog...calling out to each other for guidance or reassurance...or maybe just talking to pass the time away on their long flight southward.  It reminded me of the first time I heard them.  My father took me out one evening and said "Listen, and you'll hear the magic".  It was like magic. 

Working Men

So, the septic system didn't pass inspection and needed repairing.  It's the kind that has an areator or some such thing and the motor wasn't working on it any longer.  Two guys showed up to make repairs.  One, an old codger with a few teeth missing wearing a battered cowboy hat, his belly hanging over a pair of multi-colored work pants.  The other, his apprentice I guess.  A slender boy with an earnest look in his eyes...maybe in his early twenties wearing dirty jeans and needing a haircut badly.   After digging down to the system they extract the thingy with the motor on it.  Sure enough, the motor refused to start.  I was then instructed to go into the house and turn the breakers off because "no teeth" decided it must be in the wiring to the house.  We turned the breakers on and off about ten or twelve times.  Finally, with a sputter the motor started working and the codger told the boy to put it back in the hole.  Yowwww!  It shocked him.  I didn't realize until then that the boy's true talent lay in acrobatics!  Back to the breakers.  There must be a short.  Finally the old guy says he thinks its all fixed now.  The motor is working so he tells the acrobat to touch it and see if it shocks him again.  The boy says no.  NO???  "No Teeth" has this look of unbelief on his face...."I said touch the @*&^@!)))(*& thing and see if it shocks you.  The boy looks around....I could almost hear his mind working...what can I do to get out of this.  Finally, he blurts out to toothless...."YOU TOUCH IT"  I cannot say here what toothless then says to the boy with the earnest eyes.  BTY, I neglected to say that during this whole episode it is raining.  I am standing on the front porch all nice and dry as they work with water sliding down there faces.  When I can stand it no more I yell from the porch to the boy standing in the rain "Remember there are saftey rules to protect you", gaining a threatening look from toothless.  The boy doesn't get it.  After a while the boy rocks on his feet for several minutes looking for all the world like a golfer getting ready to putt, and then gingerly reaches for the motor.   The motor works.  It does not shock him.  Everyone explodes into relieved laughter.  The inspector who has been standing in the rain watching all of this in his buttondown white shirt and blue slacks gives his blessing, the motor is once again laid to rest in the earth and all is well with the world....and the septic system. 

Mouse Kisses

Sharing Kisses With a Mouse

This was housecleaning day for me.  Not a day that I particularly enjoy...unless the house is extremely in need and I can tell a very marked difference in the before and after picture.  On those occasions it thrills me no end to see the amount of dirt removed from within my domain.   Today I decided it was time to clear the clutter from underneath the kitchen sink and vacuum the dust out.  As I began to remove SOS boxes with just one pad left in each box, one rubber glove with a hole in the little finger, various cleaners and boxes of garbage bags, a flower pot with a whole side missing (now why did I need that?),  I began to notice that there was every possibility that at least one mouse was dwelling somewhere within.  After removing everything I saw that the mouse (mice?) had been busily procuring and storing it's meals while simultaneously decorating it's nest in there. I must say that I have never given much thought before to mouse multi-tasking, but I was quite impressed.   A wonderful color palate lay beneath the sink, way back in one corner..shiny, bright red, green and silver slivers were arranged in a delicate circular pattern.  I thought seriously about taking a picture to send to HGTV for one of their decorating shows.    Hmmm, they looked suspiciously like the wrappers of.... Hershey's Kisses.  Then I remembered that during Christmas I had put a dish of them on the coffee table in the den.   Not a very nice thought....sharing kisses with a mouse (mice?). I thought about brushing my teeth for an hour and gargling with a bottle of gin, but then decided it was much too late for that.  Instead,  I rushed out and bought some mouse traps. I carefully  baited them...one with sharp cheddar cheese, the other with chocolate.  I pushed them back into the now barren corner.  After cleaning everything else and vacuuming out the space I reloaded ONLY the usable supplies and decided that I would sit down with a cup of tea for a moment to enjoy my sense of accomplishment.  I had barely gotten comfortable when I heard it.  At first I didn't recognize it, but after a brief period of intense thought,  I realized it was the trap tripping.  The trap had tripped. :-) . The tripping trap.  OK, Carol, get a grip.  I went back to the sink to check my traps feeling like the proverbial great white hunter in Africa.  There, caught by the hand was a very pregnant, fat, brown field mouse.   I picked up the trap...she had expired; I'm not sure what killed her unless it was fright. I studied her for a moment and saw how close she was to giving birth.  Part of me was wildly ecstatic at my hunting prowess and the thought that I had just come very close to having many mice living in my house entered my mind, but deep down where the "real" me lives, I felt sorrow for her untimely death at my hands. (Not to mention the untimely death of her unborn babies.)  However, it did occur to me that if she was about to give birth, there had to be a husband mouse somewhere near.  Somehow, I overcame my feelings of guilt and put out another trap.  Within hours I had ended the life of her husband as well. I used to have a cat.  Back then I never had this problem.  She evidently  took care of these things.  Then it was a natural thing, this killing.  It's not natural to me.  On a lighter note....The question for debate..... did the mice go after the cheese...or the chocolate?  

And Then The SUN

Early morning.  The house is still and quiet except for the soft purring of the heater.  I know it is morning..I can see the black outline of the tall pines in the back yard.  They look very stark against the deep blue of early morning.  I have always enjoyed this time of day.  Thoughts and worries of the coming day have not yet crept into my mind.  It is a time for me to reflect on my life and assess the state of it.  Where am I?  Who am I?  Where am I going?.  Some mornings are better than others.  I awaken with a sense of expectancy and hopefulness.  I am happy.  Other mornings seem to drag me into an abyss where loneliness and fear makes its home in my heart.  Regrets stab me with their needle-sharp spears and I cannot find a place of peace or comfort.  The night recedes into gray; the trees become less black....and suddenly.... the sun appears.  It touches the trees.  They come alive with color and each detail is revealed. The woodpecker holes on the wild cherry look like polka dots.   The reflection on the koi pond shimmers and sparkles.  The first birdsong greets me.  A red cardinal strikes a pose on a green holly, washing my day with color.   My heartache eases and I smile to think of the One who created such beauty.  For me!  What are my problems in comparison to this grand scheme?  Not very big.