Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And Then The SUN

Early morning.  The house is still and quiet except for the soft purring of the heater.  I know it is morning..I can see the black outline of the tall pines in the back yard.  They look very stark against the deep blue of early morning.  I have always enjoyed this time of day.  Thoughts and worries of the coming day have not yet crept into my mind.  It is a time for me to reflect on my life and assess the state of it.  Where am I?  Who am I?  Where am I going?.  Some mornings are better than others.  I awaken with a sense of expectancy and hopefulness.  I am happy.  Other mornings seem to drag me into an abyss where loneliness and fear makes its home in my heart.  Regrets stab me with their needle-sharp spears and I cannot find a place of peace or comfort.  The night recedes into gray; the trees become less black....and suddenly.... the sun appears.  It touches the trees.  They come alive with color and each detail is revealed. The woodpecker holes on the wild cherry look like polka dots.   The reflection on the koi pond shimmers and sparkles.  The first birdsong greets me.  A red cardinal strikes a pose on a green holly, washing my day with color.   My heartache eases and I smile to think of the One who created such beauty.  For me!  What are my problems in comparison to this grand scheme?  Not very big.

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